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Diabolo Bearing Un gir distintiu, però realment un diàbolo?
He dedicat molt de temps a explorar el món del diàbolo, fixant-me en els detalls que fan que aquesta pràctica…
Diabolo, A Juggling Canvas for Self-Expression That I Enjoy Playing With
Diabolo has evolved into something deeply significant in my life. It’s more than a pastime; it’s my chosen way to…
Comparing Sundia Evo Diabolos A Personal Opinion and In-Depth Comparison
Selecting the perfect diabolo can tricky, especially with so many options available. Today, I’d like to focus on the Sundia…
Fira de Circ al Carrer, La Bisbal d’Empordà Ens involucrem
Un any més, el circ inunda els carrers de La Bisbal d’Empordà. Aquest any, nosaltres també participem a la Fira…
Afinándonos a Nosotros y a los Controles, Preparativos para la Fira de Circ de la Bisbal
Este fin de semana nos esperan actuaciones en la Bislal. Preparamos con dedicación un fragmento de Dame du Cirque el…
Malabares Pradoluengo, Un Encuentro Humano de Malabares y Emociones
El recuerdo de nuestra estancia en el Encuentro de Malabares de Pradoluengo fue un fin de semana lleno de emociones,…
Are institutions overprogramming beyond their capabilities?
On multiple occasions, I have come across proposals that mention an insufficient budget, the inability to cover the full fee,…
After Circus School A Western that fills the void
After my experience in circus school, I decided to embark on a creative adventure that would break with conventions. That…
Workshops at Encontro Português de Malabarismo Sharing Knowledge
We went to Serpins, at the Encontro Português de Malabarismo gathered jugglers from diverse backgrounds, igniting a profound exploration of…
Reflections on Juggling Backpacks Choosing the Right One for You
As a juggler, I know that one of the most important things when performing is having all the equipment organized…
Connexió i art a través dels malabars, 326 MORMURs al Festival Flors i Violes Connection and art through juggling
Aquest darrer cap de setmana vam estar actuant al al Festival Flors i Violes a Palafrugell amb l’espectacle 326 MORMURS.…
Juggling in Public Spaces Exploring the Pros and Cons
If you’re a juggler, then you know the thrill of seeking out new and exciting training grounds. And what better…