Testejant PolyChromatic Void al Trengolas

polychromatic void at trengolas troposfera xyz by didac gilabert teresasantos 3 de 13 » troposfera.xyz

Va ser realment fantàstic actuar al TRENGO FESTIVAL, , aquest any anomenat TRENGOLAS, organitzat per Erva Daninha, bon públic, bones vibracions, bona organització.
Va ser un plaer estar-hi. Ens veiem a la propera!

Gaudeix d’aquestes fotos fetes per Teresa Santos

Obra » Polychromatic Void

  • troposfera.xyz

    troposfera.xyz is an artistic exploration of the world through a juggling lenses, cherishing intricacies and comprehending surrounding phenomena.
    Extending to music and generative ambiances, systmes that conect and relate, making artistic research pivotal in our work.

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