Layer Cards | Taller a Bilbao

Whorkshops in ZirkoZaurre Bilbao - Blog

Bilbao recently vibed with Festival ZKZ Topaketa, and we were fortunate to be in the spotlight at ZirkoZaurre, where we brought three awesome workshops to the scene.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to ZirkoZaurre for having us. It was a fantastic experience, and we appreciate the opportunity to contribute to the vibrant artistic atmosphere of ZirkoZaurre. Looking forward to more collaborations in the future!

The workshops we imparted

Sòl, a Diabolo Workshop

This one’s for diabolo geeks! Sòl was our jam. We spilled the secrets on diabolo and armed participants with tools for their own diabolo style.

Whorkshops in ZirkoZaurre Bilbao Sòl - Blog
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Single, a Juggling Workshop

Into juggling? Single hooked us up with the deets on juggling tricks and skills, no matter where we were on the expertise scale. We learned about grab tables and how we can increase our juggling variability.

Layer Cards, an Artistic Game

Shifting gears, Layer Cards brought cards into the mix. For all you performers that assists the conventions this is a game aimed to spice up your art with a bit of chance.

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Ready for More? Check Out Our Workshops

Feeling the vibes from the workshops? Dive deeper! Hit up our workshop pages for extra info on SòlSingle, and Layer Cards. There’s a whole world of tips, tricks, and creative fuel waiting for you.

All this went down in the awesome ZirkoZaurre spaces, a spot as cool as the workshops themselves.

Labs » Layer Cards » Workshops » Sol » Single

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