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Blog » Dídac Gilabert
Diabolo, A Juggling Canvas for Self-Expression That I Enjoy Playing With
Diabolo has evolved into something deeply significant in my life. It’s more than a pastime;…
Comparing Sundia Evo Diabolos A Personal Opinion and In-Depth Comparison
Selecting the perfect diabolo can tricky, especially with so many options available. Today, I’d like…
Are institutions overprogramming beyond their capabilities?
On multiple occasions, I have come across proposals that mention an insufficient budget, the inability…
After Circus School A Western that fills the void
After my experience in circus school, I decided to embark on a creative adventure that…
Juggling in Public Spaces Exploring the Pros and Cons
If you’re a juggler, then you know the thrill of seeking out new and exciting…
5 mesos amb els Diàbolos Sundia EVO G2 Taronges Prespectiva d'un malabarista
Discover my experience with the Sundia EVO G2 Orange diabolo, a lighter and less flexible…
How many diabolo battles could have been avoided? Do not fight
The world of art often flirts with competition—whether it’s dance-offs, painting contests, or talent shows.…
Parlant de diabolo siteswap Escrivint a DiaboloFocus
Discover the benefits of diabolo siteswap notation in Didac Gilabert’s latest article on Diabolo Focus.…
Ready to Geek Out? Unlock this Advanced Diabolo Juggling Patterns
Discover new horizons in diabolo juggling with advanced tricks using geek-specific siteswap patterns in this…
7 Figures Essencials de Diàbolo Essencials per principiants
Descobreix els 7 trucs essencials de diàbolo per a principiants i comença a practicar avui…
Music to make you juggle Playlists that I made
Hola, geeks del diabolo, fa un temps, vaig fer una llista de reproducció amb música…
Com fer malabars amb 3 pilotes Learning the cascade
Aquests darrers dies, he conegut moltes persones mentre entrenava a l’exterior que em van preguntar…