Diabolos workshop for enthusiasts SÒL

Sòl - Diabolos workshop for enthusiasts - Workshops - troposfera.xyz by Dídac Gilabert - 3x2

A diabolo workshop nade to give you valuable tools and empowers you with the necessary skills and knowledge to embark on your personal diabolo research, irrespective of your current level of expertise.

The diabolo workshop

SÒL is a diabolo workshop for people who have been playing the diabolo for a long time and who want to look at it from other perspectives. A juggling space aimed to players with a medium-high level, where we will deal with both the common technique and our own language adapting to the level of each one.

A laboratory where you can experiment with new possibilities and open new paths. A place where we will see schemes and structures to take our game to other latitudes.

We will look at the technique from the ground up in order to make it our own, seeking to overcome ourselves in the day to day through perseverance and patience, deducing educational methods to achieve difficult goals.


  • See the many variables and possibilities of each movement, be able to define what you like and be able to repeat it in other situations.
  • Learn to deform, de-construct and reconstruct patterns to the fullest.
  • Order your ideas, to come back to them in the future.
  • Understand how to reach a technical goal.
  • Provide research and composition tools to acquire new grammars, and defend newly acquired languages.