After Circus School A Western that fills the void

The void after an artísitc school - Blog - by Dídac Gilabert

After my experience in circus school, I decided to embark on a creative adventure that would break with conventions. That moved me to compose 326 MORMURs, an author’s circus show, featuring a duel between the last man on Earth and a cactus. The choice of a Western theme was not a coincidence but a conscious expression of the desire to challenge the established expectations in the world of circus.

The superhero in the circus, a cliché I always wanted to avoid

During my time in circus school, I realized that there was a tendency to portray artists as invincible superheroes capable of incredible feats. I felt that this idealized vision of human beings as superheroes didn’t align with my own perspective. So, I decided to explore the figure of the anti-hero, someone imperfect, full of contradictions and internal struggles. The Western genre offered precisely that: complex and dark characters fighting to find their place in a hostile world.

The metaphor of the duel

In “326 MORMURs”, the duel between the last man on Earth and a cactus becomes a powerful metaphor for the internal struggle we all face. The cactus, symbolizing resilience and adaptation, represents the challenges and obstacles we encounter in our daily lives. Through this unique confrontation, I aimed to challenge the notion that circus always has to present artists as undisputed winners. Instead, I wanted to show vulnerability and the constant struggle that defines us as human beings.

Contemplation, a space for reflection

Similar to the anti-heroes in classic spaghetti Westerns like “Pale Rider,” I wanted to use the stage as a space to propose new ways of seeing the world, where the audience contemplates without impositions. I embrace the idea that the stage is a platform to convey messages and challenge established norms. Through “326 MORMURs,” I sought to inspire the audience to question conventional expectations and consider new perspectives. I wanted to foster a dialogue about humanity, vulnerability, and acceptance of our imperfections.

I hope to have achieved my goals with “326 MORMURs.” If you ever have the opportunity to witness this show, I would love to hear your opinion. I value your perspectives and reflections, as together we can enrich the dialogue and explore new forms of expression in the world of circus.

Thank you for joining me on this journey and being open to new perspectives!

Obra » Prespectiva » 326 MORMURs

  • Dídac Gilabert

    Sóc un malabarista i la força creativa darrere del Fa molt temps que utilitzo el malabarisme com una eina d’introspecció i reflexió, i estic profundament immers en la recerca de la teoria del malabarisme, reclamant el malabarisme com a forma artística per si mateix.

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