Assaig i Error Make your own juggling gear

Assaig i Error Labs by Didac Gilabert 1 »

There’s something special about crafting your own juggling gear or tweaking branded props to fit your style. It allows you to shape tools that are perfectly tailored to your needs, with colors and textures you won’t find in any store. Beyond the act of making, building your own gear means you’ll know how to repair it, giving you a deeper connection to your instruments. It’s a way of valuing what you use every day.

Assaig i Error Objectives

en residencia troposferaxyz didac giabert teresa santos 10 »


Why go DIY?

Customizing your juggling gear enhances your relationship with your props, which is particularly impactful for teenagers. By opting for recycled materials and assembling without glue, you focus on both sustainability and creativity. This approach not only fosters a deeper connection to your gear but also promotes environmental responsibility.

For professionals, a DIY method offers an opportunity to refine your gear for precise performance needs or to achieve a unique look that complements your acts. Tweaking your gear for better functionality or to matching a specific aesthetic, this hands-on process provides the flexibility to meet your exact requirements.

Not Just a Personal LAB

Want to Learn More About Assaig i Error?

This project is primarily focused on personal research in juggling gear. However, when the opportunity arises, we enjoy taking our experiments on the road, offering workshops for those interested. While these workshops aren’t our main focus, we find there’s something special about the hands-on experience of building your own gear in a live setting.

If you’re interested, we can organize workshops where you’ll learn to craft or modify your own juggling gear.

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en residencia troposferaxyz didac giabert teresa santos 10 »

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