• Sync Flippers

    Sync Flippers

    Pesquisa de malabarismo de Diabolo com movimentos síncronos e flippers. A música que toca no vídeo é o que eu…

  • Don Flamingo

    Don Flamingo

    Unusual orbits, slow bounces, darksides fruits of consequences, pistons moving organically, softening their sound, like a train traveling in slow…

  • Side by Side

    Side by Side

    Fluctuations that go from left to right, back and forth, back and forth, over and over again. Where are they…

  • Magic Sunset

    Magic Sunset

    The music in this video is what I listen to while shaping the routine. It flows through me, blending with…

  • Spiral Release

    Spiral Release

    Small diabolo juggling composition with some suspensions, stick releases, grinds and multiplex.

  • Han Fan

    Han Fan

    Building a small diabolo combo, with some variations of rhythm, half turns, starts and stops. The Han Fan Poem Poem…

  • Suspension Time

    Suspension Time

    Suspension Time begins a new phase of exploration. These are days when staying at home has become part of life,…

  • About “research” concept

    About “research” concept

    Obrigado La Central del Circ e Circus Next por nos receber.

  • Sesão de fotos na Gavarnie

    Sesão de fotos na Gavarnie

    Fotos per @DavidBadia

  • Experimentando os figurinos de Miriam Ponsa

    Experimentando os figurinos de Miriam Ponsa

    Na França, residência com os novos figurinos! Obrigado Miriam.

  • Layer Cards a la 8a Trobada de Mans a Mans

    Layer Cards a la 8a Trobada de Mans a Mans

    Experimentando o jogo criativo, em La Central del Circ, é um prazer ver acrobatas distorcendo suas figuras.

  • Generative Juggling Workshop at Acus 19.10

    Generative Juggling Workshop at Acus 19.10

    The diabolo geeks twirl and spin in a workshop of sound, Their art speaks to the music inputs, a symphony…