Gio and Dídac explore the resonant relationship between juggling and sound, focusing on how movement generates vibrations that flow through space and body. Their project investigates how juggling tricks, interpreted through different physicalities, produce distinct rhythms and responses. By working with the natural resonance of their movements and tools, they uncover the subtle exchanges that emerge through practice. This process emphasizes listening, experimenting, and allowing resonance to guide their work.

Resonant 01 Work Photo by Teresa Santos »



Gio and Dídac, two diabolo players with distinct body shapes and juggling styles, come together to investigate how movement and sound influence each other. This project is about exploration: how does the same diabolo trick transform when filtered through different bodies, much like how different waveforms can produce similar yet distinct sounds.

Using a soundscape crafted from recordings of Dídac’s Electric Diàbolo Project and some synthesizers, Gio and Dídac will explore how inputs, whether in movement or sound, are altered as they pass through their distinct bodies. They will examine whether the same input, sound or movements, produces different outcomes, and how these subtle variations influence their juggling. By embracing the physical limitations and possibilities their bodies bring, they dive into how these differences both shape and challenge their practice.

This stage output is a contemplative inquiry into the subtle connections between form, rhythm, and how we experience both through shared practice.