Diabolo Bearing A Distinctive Spin, Yet Truly a Diabolo?

Bearing Diabolos - Blog - troposfera.xyz by Dídac Gilabert

As someone deeply immersed in the nuances of diabolo, I’ve grown to appreciate the subtleties that make this art form so captivating. Today, I want to explore the world of bearing diabolos—a tool that, while intriguing, feels like a departure from the essence of what I consider to be a true diabolo. After extensive testing, I’ve come to a conclusion: it’s not just a diabolo. Let me explain why.

The Mechanics Behind Bearings

Let’s start with the fundamentals: bearings. Bearing diabolos feature one-way bearings, which means they spin in only one direction, significantly prolonging the spin time. These bearings engage when the diabolo reverses its spin direction on the string. The result is a level of stability and duration that almost defies belief. It feels as though you’ve tapped into some hidden force of nature, pushing the diabolo to spin far beyond the limits of a traditional one. However, the conversation doesn’t stop at spin time.

Bearing Diabolo vs Fixed

When comparing a bearing diabolo to a fixed axle diabolo, the difference is palpable. A fixed diabolo demands precision and constant interaction, requiring you to be in tune with every movement. The need for continuous correction becomes second nature, making the art of diabolo an intricate dance of skill and timing.

On the other hand, a bearing diabolo, with its one-way spin, offers a smoother experience, almost like an automatic transmission compared to a manual. It takes away some of the challenge, but also some of the soul. Fixed diabolos keep you grounded in the fundamentals, while bearing diabolos offer a more effortless ride. The choice between the two isn’t just about performance; it’s about the philosophy of your play.

Comparing Bearing Axel Types

Axel TypeFeaturesCompabilityPrice
1-Bearing AxleBasic bearing for specific Sundia diabolosCompatible with Falcon, Soarin, Shining,25€
3-B Bearing Robust, long-lasting, popular bearingFalcon, Shining, MHD Pro, Soarin, Magforce,29€
Axle for EVO 5-BMost performant bearing, faster than triple, exceptional stability, ultra-smooth feeling.EVO Hard cups, but I use it with soft ones.36€
Magforce 3-B AxleTriple bearing with magnetic rings,hyper smooth, quiet play, carbon washers.Magforce, Falcon, Shining, MHD Pro, Soarin38€

The Impact of the Gyroscopic Effect

The gyroscopic effect in bearing diabolos is significant, offering strong resistance to tilting and greater control, especially in horizontal plane tricks like vertax. With a fixed axle, you’re constantly making corrections, but the stability and reduced friction of a bearing diabolo make these corrections almost unnecessary, opening up new possibilities and making horizontal diabolo more accessible.

This innovation has been a game-changer, not just for horizontal techniques but also for the emergence of nrew styles like two-stick diabolo. Personally, though, I’ve never been drawn to bearings. I bought one four years ago and have rarely used it since. While I can appreciate the skill and creativity others bring to the table with bearings, it’s just not where I find my flow, but you can cek the work of Sebastian Haushofer.

Understanding the Audience’s Perspective

The audience might not notice the difference between a bearing diabolo and a fixed axle. The seamless motion and prolonged spin of a bearing diabolo can seem almost like sleight of hand, an enhancement invisible to the untrained eye. This subtle edge captivates the crowd with effortless elegance, even if they can’t pinpoint why.

Many shows use music that masks the bearing’s noise, making it even harder for the audience to recognize the difference, especially with newer magnet bearings. The bearing diabolo isn’t just a prop; it’s a tool that opens up new possibilities. It’s a choice, a deliberate decision to take your juggling game to places where a diabolo cannot. Go to bearings it is like upgrading from a bicycle to electric bike, both get you places, but the experience is entirely different.


Dídac Gilabert

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