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Blog »
Guincho em movimento
Searching textures inspired on feelings of the fishermen on their boats. It is harder to…
Layer Cards al encuentro del Ekun
Este fin de semana hemos estado en la primera reunión de Ekun Circo Social en…
Rehearsing Dame du Cirque at Vic
This week we have been to La Fàbrica de Somnis at VIC, rehearsing the Dame…
Polychromatic Void at TRENGOLAS
It was really great to play at TRENGO FESTIVAL, this year called TRENGOLAS, organized by…
How to do a diabolo juggling sticks
I have been researching various DIY options for diabolo stick handles, and I have finally…
Granular Darkness
Let the night be with us.
Polychromatic Void
Starting to work in a new project!