Recording a digital version of Dame du Cirque

dame du cirque vhs a balaguer troposferaxyz by didac gilabert vintisetnet featured »

This week we were in Balaguer, we had to do a residence with a show on the last day. That couldn’t be possible, because the theaters were closed because the Covid restrictions, so we decided to invite someone to record the show and do an artistic vídeo about the show.

The video was recorded by Octavi Espuga and will be out before this year ends, we hope you enjoy the results!

Here you can see some pictures about this project, that will be available soon.

Obra » Dame du Cirque » Dame du Cirque VHS

  • Dídac Gilabert

    Sou um malabarista e a força criativa por trás do Tenho utilizado o malabarismo como uma ferramenta para introspeção e reflexão durante muito tempo, e estou profundamente imerso na pesquisa da teoria do malabarismo, afirmando-o como uma forma artística por si própria.

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