Gravando Circus with Ale-hop for 3Cat A circus documentary series

Featured Circus Filming With Ale Hop 3cat Blog Ale Hop Teresa Santos 01 »

Es Ale-hop, the 3cat program, has opened the doors for us to the fascinating world of Catalan Circus, where we’ve had the fortune to participate in Chapter 5: Technocirc. Here, you can see how our filming day unfolded across various stages, enriching our connection with circus practices and the intersection with technology.

Starting the Day with Dame du Cirque, a Natural Stage

The day began with the recording of Dame du Cirque in a picturesque natural environment, surrounded by the woods. This choice provided a serene and tranquil atmosphere, creating an interesting symbiosis between our performance and nature. With the diabolo as the guiding thread, cameras started rolling, capturing the fusion of vibrant diabolo notes with the simple beauty of the landscape. This experience stands out for its authenticity and deep connection with the natural surroundings.

Siteswap at Plaça de Vic: Juggling Class in an Urban Setting

The next stop was Plaça de Vic, where we had the opportunity to meet Laia Fontàn, the program’s host. In the heart of the town, we shared our passion for juggling with her. During the session, we taught her juggling and explained the fundamentals of Siteswap. As seen in the episode, Laia quickly learned the art of juggling, proving to be a great enthusiast.

Polychromatic Void at Fàbrica de Somnis: A Project Dedicated to Circus and Technology

Immersing ourselves in the Polychromatic Void project at Fàbrica de Somnis gave us a unique opportunity to explore the symbiosis between circus and technology. This experience transcended physical and virtual limitations, offering a fascinating insight into how algorithms can alter human relationships and create new dynamics between systems and individuals. During the filming for Alehop, cameras captured our participation in this project, highlighting the intersection between our juggling improvisation and the immersive environment of Polychromatic Void.

We’re thrilled to be part of Ale-hop, and we trust that this collaboration will continue to inspire new ways of seeing the world of circus and technology.

Obra » Dame du Cirque » Polychromatic Void

  • is an artistic exploration of the world through a juggling lenses, cherishing intricacies and comprehending surrounding phenomena.
    Extending to music and generative ambiances, systmes that conect and relate, making artistic research pivotal in our work.

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