• Dame du Cirque en el Trengolas

    Dame du Cirque en el Trengolas

    Fue realmente fantástico actuar con Dame du Cirque en el TRENGO FESTIVAL, , este año llamado TRENGOLAS, organizado por Erva…

  • Polychromatic Void at TRENGOLAS

    Polychromatic Void at TRENGOLAS

    It was really great to play at TRENGO FESTIVAL, this year called TRENGOLAS, organized by Erva Daninha, nice audience, nice…

  • How to do a diabolo juggling sticks

    How to do a diabolo juggling sticks

    I have been researching various DIY options for diabolo stick handles, and I have finally found a method that is…

  • Sesión de fotos para la Dame du Cirque con Chiara

    Sesión de fotos para la Dame du Cirque con Chiara

    Aquí podeís ver las fotos que nos hizo Chiara durante la última resdeéncia en la central del cric. No os…

  • Treballs en trànsit

    Treballs en trànsit

    Resum de l’última setmana de treball a @lacentraldelcirc. Vídeo per @vintiset_net @didacgilabert @gustavohjerl @teresasantos.pt @mariachiarafreddura

  • Crafting Diabolo Sticks and Why Stop Using Clubs

    Crafting Diabolo Sticks and Why Stop Using Clubs

    Here you can see some handmade diabolo sticks, with different weight, made more for “juggling style”, some ones are for…

  • Granular Darkness

    Granular Darkness

    Let the night be with us.

  • Polychromatic Void

    Polychromatic Void

    Starting to work in a new project!

  • Legs eights by Nate Sharpe

    Legs eights by Nate Sharpe

    Looking back to the classics! I decided to learn some of the classics tricks that i like the most. Here…

  • Inverted eights by Jibee

    Inverted eights by Jibee

    Looking back to the classics! I decided to learn some of the classics tricks that i like the most. Here…

  • Flat Orbits

    Flat Orbits

    A YouTube video of diabolo juggler that improvise with flat orbits and north winds, that atmosphere is cold and icy,…

  • Slow spirals

    Slow spirals

    Diabolo juggling research about slow spirals while doing and listening to generative music.