Juggling » Blog

This section documents our approach to juggling, focusing on experimentation, technique, and tool development. process.

Experiments and Reflections

We share key moments and reflections from our juggling practice, highlighting insights, challenges, and discoveries, highlighting the challenges we faced, the discoveries made along the way, and how these moments influence our ongoing practice.

Juggling in all directions, moving air anywhere we go.

  • Lupa Installation

    Lupa Installation

    Magnifying diabolo is a photographic project born from the collaboration with YANA Magazine, an independent art magazine that collects curated…

  • Rehearsing Dame du Cirque at Vic

    Rehearsing Dame du Cirque at Vic

    This week, we had the pleasure of rehearsing Dame du Cirque at La Fàbrica de Somnis in VIC. We are…

  • 3 interesting diabolo grinds

    3 interesting diabolo grinds

    Since I started playing with the diabolo I always liked to make some grinds, maybe because it is a common…

  • Testing Materials, Genrative Art On Stage

    Testing Materials, Genrative Art On Stage

    From the 24 to 28 of January we were at La Central del Circ testing lights, music, and visuals for…

  • Feedbacks of Labo Multi G.O.A.S.

    Feedbacks of Labo Multi G.O.A.S.

    This is some of what we test last week testing lights, music and juggling at La Grainerie doing the LABO…

  • Travesia at La Graneire

    Travesia at La Graneire

  • Diabolo stick slaps

    Diabolo stick slaps

    Here you can see some slaps, an unusual trick in the universe of Diabolo. See all the researches at



    This is the result of our first week testing lights, music and juggling at la central del circ, doing the…

  • How to make juggling balls

    How to make juggling balls

    Learn how to make make your own resistant juggling balls, using Tennis Balls. We hope you get a lot of…

  • Understanding the generative juggling workflow

    Understanding the generative juggling workflow

    enerative juggling is a captivating fusion of juggling skills and digital technology. Jugglers in this field immerse themselves in a…



    This was the conclusion of this year sharing with this students of la Trinitat, Barcelona. You can see all that…

  • Contamination phase begins

    Contamination phase begins

    We already have 12 classrooms with the enthusiasts. En Residència contamination phase begins, it’s time to show what we’ve been…