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Colaboraciones » Blog
Gravando Circus with Ale-hop for 3Cat A circus documentary series
Es Ale-hop, the 3cat program, has opened the doors for us to the fascinating world of Catalan Circus, where we’ve…
FiraTàrrega 2023 We want to move our shows, let's meet?
FiraTàrrega 2023 is just around the corner, and we’ll be there at the Pro space as we are every year.…
Recording a digital version of Dame du Cirque
This week we were in Balaguer, we had to do a residence with a show on the last day. That…
Col·laborant amb Hilo de Diabolo ๏ Acus19.10
The diabolo geeks twirl and spin in a workshop of sound, Their art speaks to the music inputs, a symphony…
Gradient Juggling Workshop at Acus 19.6
Tiempo de diábolo, Tarea en la mañana helada: viviendo modo Acus. Caminan los jugadores en la pista de sombras, siguiendo…