Blog » Dídac Gilabert

Dídac Gilabert

Recent Articles I've published

Espero que disfrutes leyéndolos tanto como yo disfruté escribiéndolos.

  • Flat Orbits

    Flat Orbits

    A YouTube video of diabolo juggler that improvise with flat orbits and north winds, that…

  • Slow spirals

    Slow spirals

    Diabolo juggling research about slow spirals while doing and listening to generative music.

  • Sync Flippers

    Sync Flippers

    Busqueda de malabares i diabolo con sincrónicos y flippers. La música que suena en el…

  • Don Flamingo

    Don Flamingo

    Unusual orbits, slow bounces, darksides fruits of consequences, pistons moving organically, softening their sound, like…

  • Side by Side

    Side by Side

    Fluctuations that go from left to right, back and forth, back and forth, over and…

  • Magic Sunset

    Magic Sunset

    The music in this video is what I listen to while shaping the routine. It…

  • Spiral Release

    Spiral Release

    Small diabolo juggling composition with some suspensions, stick releases, grinds and multiplex.

  • Han Fan

    Han Fan

    Building a small diabolo combo, with some variations of rhythm, half turns, starts and stops.…

  • Suspension Time

    Suspension Time

    Suspension Time begins a new phase of exploration. These are days when staying at home…

  • About “research” concept

    About “research” concept

    Gracias a La Central del Circo, y en Circus Next para contar con nosotros.

  • Como hacer palos de diábolo

    Como hacer palos de diábolo

    Los palos de diábolo ocupan un lugar especial en la maleta de cualquier jugador de…

  • A week in Santiago de Compostela 326 MORMURs visits Galicia

    A week in Santiago de Compostela 326 MORMURs visits Galicia

    Last week, Santiago de Compostela became our home. We were there for  326 MORMURs,, a…