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Blog » Dídac Gilabert
Flat Orbits
A YouTube video of diabolo juggler that improvise with flat orbits and north winds, that…
Slow spirals
Diabolo juggling research about slow spirals while doing and listening to generative music.
Sync Flippers
Busqueda de malabares i diabolo con sincrónicos y flippers. La música que suena en el…
Don Flamingo
Unusual orbits, slow bounces, darksides fruits of consequences, pistons moving organically, softening their sound, like…
Side by Side
Fluctuations that go from left to right, back and forth, back and forth, over and…
Magic Sunset
The music in this video is what I listen to while shaping the routine. It…
Spiral Release
Small diabolo juggling composition with some suspensions, stick releases, grinds and multiplex.
Han Fan
Building a small diabolo combo, with some variations of rhythm, half turns, starts and stops.…
Suspension Time
Suspension Time begins a new phase of exploration. These are days when staying at home…
Como hacer palos de diábolo
Los palos de diábolo ocupan un lugar especial en la maleta de cualquier jugador de…
A week in Santiago de Compostela 326 MORMURs visits Galicia
Last week, Santiago de Compostela became our home. We were there for 326 MORMURs,, a…