About “research” concept

About research concept Featured BLOG troposfera.xyz by Didac Gilabert » troposfera.xyz

Recently at La Central del Circ, I hosted a Layer Cards workshop, thanks to Circus Next for inviting me to this week of exchange.

Layer Cards, usually a dice and card game for artists, took a turn this time and we played with administrators from different circus centers around Europe, transforming their daily routines and casual actions at work and in life into artistic phrases through the game.

La Central del Circ became a nexus where artists and administrators played together, sharing thoughts and viewpoints about art and building a more comfortable future.

Thanks to al that shared this time with me.

Labs » Layer Cards » Workshops

  • Dídac Gilabert

    I am a juggler and the creative force behind the troposfera.xyz. I have been using juggling as a tool for introspection and reflection for a long time, and I am deeply immersed in the research of juggling theory, claiming juggling as an artistic form in its own right.

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