Lupa Installation

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Magnifying diabolo is a photographic project born from the collaboration with YANA Magazine, an independent art magazine that collects curated works of art and essays created by jugglers, this project was carried out with the collaboration of La Central del Circ and educational project I carried out within the framework of ’EN RESiDÈNCiA with DIAMALÀBORS, students of the Comas i Solà Institute.

You can find all the information in number 2 of YANA, it will be on sale soon.

Here is a collection of images from the installation at La Central del Circ as part of the 1st Circus and Education Festival.

Labs » En Residència

  • Teresa Santos

    Fascinated by dance and photography from an early age, I am interested in the creation and visual representation of artistic works and in investigating possible relationships between body and image.

  • Dídac Gilabert

    I am a juggler and the creative force behind the I have been using juggling as a tool for introspection and reflection for a long time, and I am deeply immersed in the research of juggling theory, claiming juggling as an artistic form in its own right.

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