Juggling GIFs From Basic to Impossible Tricks

Featured Juggling Gifs troposfera.xyz by didac Gilabert » troposfera.xyz

He juggler!
Looking for some juggling GIFs? You’re in the right place. Here you not only find some gifs, you also can find new patterns to train.

Juggling 101: The Basics

Let’s start with the basics, the essential juggling patterns that everybody know.

Synch my patterns

Juggling some synchronous patterns.

Patterns with Suspensions

We’ll can explore patterns that feature impressive suspensions and captivating moves.

High-Flying Siteswaps

Hardcore tricks that never been done 😉

All this trick where generated with JugglingLab and open source program that help jugglers a lot.

Stay tuned for more juggling related content.

Labs » Juggling Research


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